More than 250 species of birds can be seen in the Southern Highlands, a 90-minute drive south of Sydney. Some are seasonal visitors, others are permanent residents. The locations are easily accessible and include a variety of habitats. The birds listed are just a few of the species likely to be present. Some of the best places to see them
Bundanoon section, Morton National Park Eucalypt woodland conceals waterfalls, ferny glades, rocky outcrops and lookouts. Access 1km south of Bundanoon Post Office via Church Street and Gullies Road. Amenities picnic areas, toilets. Walks numerous trails ranging from short and easy to the steep track to Bundanoon Creek. Good birdwatching options are the 2km Erith Coal Mine track, Fairy Bower Falls and the area around the Gambells Rest picnic area. Birds Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo, Gang-gang Cockatoo, Crimson Rosella, Superb Lyrebird, Chestnut-rumped Heathwren, Varied Sittella,
Fitzroy Falls the north-eastern section of Morton National Park where Yarrunga Creek plunges from a sandstone escarpment into the rainforest valley below. Access 15km south-east of Moss Vale on Moss Vale Road. Amenities Visitor centre, cafe, picnic areas, toilets. Walks The 7km return East Rim and 5km return West Rim walks are on good tracks with some short, steeper sections. The first section of the East Rim walk, where the track descends into a fern gully, is good for birds, as are the boardwalks near the visitor centre and woodland near the old picnic shelters alongside Yarrunga Creek. Birds Peregrine Falcon, Glossy Black-Cockatoo, Gang-gang Cockatoo, Superb Lyrebird, Yellow-throated Scrubwren, Lewin’s Honeyeater, Crested Shrike-tit, Golden Whistler, Black-faced Monarch, Mistletoebird.